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Conditions of Entry

Bayside Libraries aims to create and maintain a safe, respectful, and enriching environment for patrons and staff.


Bayside Libraries welcomes all people, but not all behaviours.

Upon Entry

You agree to respect and comply with Bayside City Council’s local laws, regulations and the conditions of entry to our libraries.


  • Respect staff and patrons. Harassment, aggression or the use of inappropriate language towards staff or other patrons will not be tolerated in the Library.
  • Treat library resources, property, and facilities with the utmost care.
  • Do not vape or smoke inside or around the library rooms and building. This is strictly forbidden. 

Child Safety

  • Ensure all children under the age of 10 are accompanied by an adult or responsible older person over the age of 16. Bayside Libraries is committed to being a child safe organisation and has zero tolerance for child abuse and neglect.
  • Assist in providing a safe, protected, and nurturing space for children.

Diversity and Inclusion

  • Demonstrate respect and acceptance towards all members of our diverse community. Do not use discriminatory or abusive language or behaviours.
  • Assist in providing a safe, inclusive and enriching space for everyone.


  • Comply with Bayside’s Internet Usage Terms and Conditions when using the public computers, Bayside-Guest wi-fi network, or other electronic devices in the library. Breaching these guidelines may result in suspension of internet privileges and/or exclusion from one or more of our facilities.
  • Show courtesy and respect to fellow patrons when taking phone calls and/or face to face or virtual meetings within the library.

Local Law

  • A person must not, while in a municipal place, behave in a manner that endangers others or unreasonably interferes with the quiet enjoyment of the municipal place by any other person.

Failure to Comply

Each situation will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

  • You will be reminded of your obligations to adhere to the Conditions of Entry.
  • You may be asked to leave.
  • You may be issued with an official warning and/or may receive notification of temporary exclusion from one or more of our Libraries.

Bayside City Council has duties of care to our employees under Victorian Occupational Health and Safety legislation. To help carry out these duties, patrons or community members who display aggressive or violent verbal or physical behaviour in any of our Libraries will be excluded from accessing the service.

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