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Yoga for dementia : a guide for people with dementia, their families and caregivers

Plahay, Tania2018
Proven to enhance wellbeing, posture, breathing and sleep, and reduce anxiety and agitation, this programme shows how yoga can be adapted to benefit people with dementia. Based on the findings of a pilot therapeutic yoga programme for people with dementia in care homes, this book offers substantial yoga sequences, breathing exercises, meditations and mindfulness exercises for improving symptoms associated with dementia. It offers an innovative Reminiscence Yoga approach, which uses sounds, music, guided imagery and familiar actions to stimulate memories. The book demonstrates the many benefits of yoga for people with dementia, and describes the ways that each yoga exercise can be adapted for people of different abilities.
London ; Philadelphia : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2018.
260 pages : illustrations (chiefly colour) ; 26 cm.
Includes glossaryIncludes bibliographical references (pages 252-253) and index.
Machine generated contents note: How 1 came to yoga -- How 1 became involved in dementia care -- Who the book is aimed at -- How to use the book -- 1.What is Yoga? -- The origins of yoga -- The arrival of yoga in the west -- The benefits of yoga -- Yoga in this book -- Conclusion -- 2.Types of Yoga -- Traditional styles of yoga -- Modern yoga styles -- Yoga therapy -- Conclusion -- 3.Yoga Philosophy and Principles -- Eight limbs of yoga -- Truthfulness exercise -- Contentment exercise -- A simple 5-minute breathing exercise -- Pratyahara exercise -- Dharana exercise -- Koshas, the energy sheaths of the body -- Tamas, raja and sattva, balancing the elements -- The nadis or energy channels -- Conclusion -- 4.Yoga Basics and Simple Everyday Poses -- Simple Breathing Exercises -- Three-part breath -- Ujjayi breath -- Mudras and Balancing exercises -- Gyanmudra -- Dhyanimudra -- Tree pose, vriksasana -- Natural Easy Stretches -- Pushing away the clouds -- Natural morning stretches --Contents note continued: Cat and cow -- Restorative poses -- Legs up the wall, viparita karani -- Reclined bound angle pose, supta baddha konasana, with self-recharge hand position -- Corpse pose, shavasana -- Conclusion -- 5.Why Yoga Is Beneficial for Older People -- How we age physically, and what happens to our body -- Social ageing -- Yogic perspectives on ageing -- Key ways in which yoga works -- Yoga and older people -- Conclusion -- 6.What Is Dementia and How Can Yoga Help? -- Types of dementia -- A diagnosis of dementia -- Stages of dementia -- Risk factors for dementia -- Reducing the risk -- Benefits of yoga for dementia -- Meditation -- Caring for the carers -- Metta, developing loving-kindness -- Physical constraints -- Conclusion -- 7.Running Yoga Sessions for People Living with Dementia -- Basics for teaching or learning yoga -- Motivations for teaching or learning -- Caring for the carer -- Before you begin --Contents note continued: Leading or doing meditation and guided relaxation practices -- Principles and practices -- Conclusion -- 8.Sequences for All -- Journey of awareness -- Dhyana, focused concentration -- Pranayama, or breath awareness in the spine -- Sequence 1 Rise and shine! -- Sequence 2 Feeling good from top to toe! -- Conclusion -- 9.Challenging and Stimulating Sequences for Those with Early Diagnosis or Mild Cognitive Impairment -- Singing practice, kirtan kriya -- Sun salutation, surya namaskar -- Tadasana or mountain Pose -- Interrupted breath, viloma pranayama -- Conclusion -- 10.Exercises for Anger Management -- Anger meditation -- Wood chopping, kashtha takshanasana -- Twists -- Backbends -- Cobra pose -- Child's pose, balasana -- Lion's breath, simhasana -- Cooling breath, sheetali pranayama -- Ganesh mudra, helping to overcome obstacles -- Conclusion -- 11.Easy Joint Release Series for Everyone, Adapted to a Chair -- Karma Yoga -- Karma yoga meditation --Contents note continued: Energy-releasing series -- Some notes for practising and teaching the joint release sequence -- Joint release series -- Exercises to strengthen the abdominal region -- Alternate nostril breathing, nadi shodhana -- Conclusion -- 12.Stimulating the Senses -- Essential oils -- A simple energy-releasing sequence -- Movements through the spine -- Stimulating the senses with tapping -- Stimulating the senses with a gentle hand massage -- Sound exercise, `sea of Oms' -- Conclusion -- 13.Bhakti Yoga -- Simple seated practice, sending love to others and the world -- Infusing everyday actions into actions of joy and divinity -- Being kind to ourselves and others -- Nature therapy -- Singing or chanting -- Japa, the reciting of a mantra, and prayer -- Learning and contemplation -- Some other ideas for creating more bhakti in your life -- Conclusion -- 14.Yoga, Meditation and Meditation for Advanced Stages of Dementia, Death and Dying -- Reflections on mortality --Contents note continued: Yoga nidra -- Hand gestures, mudras -- Singing mantras -- Getting ready for death and dying -- Cycle of life -- four-directions meditation -- Conclusion.
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